Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Kudos & Brickats for Liberal "Courage"?

Dutch, move over. The Liberal Party of Canada is here.

Following the denouement of DION, the pundits and political commentators are having a field day - here are some of my favourites:

National Post - Night of the Living Dion by Matt GURNEY, A slander on Canadian men by Barabara KAY, Liberals embrace democracy, then abandon it all in one breath by Lorne GUNTER, Bob Rae and the swirling cesspool of Liberal self-interest by Don MARTIN and this Editorial piece. Here is Full Pundit's survey.

Others have mentioned the "Cave-cam" video that sealed his fate. M. DION will be missed the most by the Conservative Party, who feasted on his "easy pickins".

As to Mr. Micheal IGNATIEFF, I have summarized a profile of him before. Here is a George JONAS's take on IGNATIEFF entitled "Ignatieff 's misguided dream" an issue JONAS knows well - having fled Hungary as a teenager in 1958. His family was to follow after him to Canada but didn't. Kelly MCPARLAND weighs in as well.

As to the impact of the "Stimulus Budget" on Jan 27, who knows. Jacquie THORPE already notes we are awash in stimulus. Yesterday's (Dec 9, 2008) interest rate cut of 3/4% was an aggressive signal of it's new policy stance as it is clear that we are now in a recession - something that the BOC Governor Mark CARNEY was coy to admit only 2 weeks ago. This puts the Bank of Canada's (BOC) Overnight lending rate at 1.5% - the lowest since July 1958 when John DIEFENBAKER was Prime Minister.

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