Wednesday 10 September 2008

Stephane DION: Hypocrite One

Lorne Gunter in this piece nicely dices Dion's hypocritical stance on The Green Shift, noting that his aircraft is the "dirtiest" of all the parties election air-transport. He paints a valid parallel to the revelation that Al GORE's home in Atlanta used 20 times the electricity of an average U.S household!

Gunter further "pulls back the curtain" on the hypocrisy of many in the Green movement with the disclosure that during last years Suzuki Foundation cross country campaign, they didn't want to risk the cost of invalidating their vehicles warranty by burning "bio-diesel".

Gunter was also on the money with this article - Dion Ex Machina - the day before.

[Sept 20 - Stephen TAYLOR logs in with this question about CarbonZero new sticker on Hypocrite One. ]

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