Sunday, 14 January 2018

Vaxxed - Open Interviews

Vaxxed made a splash when initially released and was credited with then candidate Donald Trump promising to sponsor an investigation into the horrific claims that the CDC (U.S Center for Disease Control) ignored critical testing of various Vaccine Products.   Among the serious concerns are that through many ways various Vaccine programs are causing very serious medical injury's.

Here is young women (Savannah) who has been struck by a series of terrible health reactions that her mother attributes to a Guardasil Vaccine when she was 14 yrs old and had no health concerns at all.   From this interview we can see she is a walking medical disaster.

It some cases it appears to be servere allergic or adverse reactions that trigger serious neurological auto-immune responses that have been linked to Autism, Diabetes and other formerly rare illnesses like Dysautonomia (POTS) - [a malfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System].

Alot of controversy exists as there has been a growing public outcry in America about the obvious rising incidence of Autism (or more generally Autistic Spectrum Disorder) in America and in particular the aggressive response of Public Health in advocating - often strongly - more better vaccine programs. Actress  Jenny McCarthy was among the first to launch a strong public campaign to bring this issue to light after she claimed her son's suffered from autism after his vaccine.

Among the scandals was the de-frocking of by British researcher Dr Andrew Wakefield who was accuse of falsifying data in his study that suggested a link between Vaccines and Autism.   While he investigated relationship between Gastro-intestinal Disorders and Measles Vaccines.

Among the recent serious allegations made are that the adjutants included in Vaccine products (to preserve the vaccine over time) are the culprit - especially when given to very young children and babies.  It is well known that heavy metals like mercury - present in the adjutants - have serious neuro-toxin effect on the brain may, in some unknown way be related to the auto-immune disorders that can in some related to these behavioral dysfunctions or trigger neuro-immune disorders.

While I think vaccines can and have done alot of good in preventing illness - I have always been sceptical that they are "safe" - or at least as "100% safe" as Public Health officials claim - and have become much more opposed to the various "World Health" programs that push such programs.

There is good evidence that the PR Stategy has to change - and various Vaccine groups have to start paying much more attention to fact of harm.

Robert J. Kennedy - "Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury -- a Known Neurotoxin -- from Vaccines"  link to article July 24, 2014

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