Thursday, 2 November 2017

53 yrs ago "A Time for Choosing"

Ronald Reagan as a new Republican made this important speech before the Presidential Election.

On Nov 22, 1963 JFK was assassinated in Dallas - and last week a mountain of formerly "Secret" documents was de-classified under the order of President Trump.   It is telling that 61% of Americans believe that they have never been told "the whole truth" about this tragic event in modern American history despite numerous investigations and committees.   This is likely why President Trump over-ruled the wishes of the Intelligence Services and had the materials released.  

IMHO there is no doubt that there is a soft coup underway to de-legitimize and undermine Trump - much of it coming from leaks by Democratic supporters within the Intel "alphabet" community - CIA, FBI, DNI etc.  This threat is unprecedented but appears to be similar to that faced by Kennedy following the warning of Eisenhower only a few years before.

That trip by JFK to Dallas was a kick-off of sorts for his 1964 Presidential Campaign - to shore up support in a weak Democrat state and help fund raise. 

A still shaken nation eventually awarded LBJ the Presidency with a landslide in the 1964 Presidential Election.  However it was also the year that the Republican Party under former Senator from AZ Barry Goldwater launched a dramatic upstart campaign - and Ronald Reagan as a newly minted Republican made this speech titled "A Time for Choosing" on Oct 27, 1964.  It was the beginning of his political career that saw him rise to Governor of California and eventually President of the United States.

This website is calling for a new "fix" to Federal Politics - using an old (but never used)  tool known as a "Convention of States"  as described in Sec 5 of the U.S Constitution in order to make changes that limit the size of the Federal Government.

I think the time has come for it to be tried.

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