Sunday, 15 October 2017

A modest modern proposal - the true purpose of Feminism

John The Other (aka JtO) created this video post some time ago - but I kind of forgot about it as a humorous but insincere bit of satire on par with "eating babies". But after the Oct 2 Vegas Massacre a theory began to circulate that the true purpose of this terrible crime was to guarantee a massive public backlash/ revulsion that could ensure the political will to rescind the U.S 2nd Amendment and make Gun Control a reality - I decided that JtO was correct.

The true purpose of modern Rad Feminism is to ensure that Men hate Women and destroy the sexual contract completely as well as the family.

What the Russian Revolution could not achieve in 73 years (1917-1990 when the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Empire destroyed) Feminism accomplished in 49 years (1968-2017 or will soon enough).

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