Friday, 4 November 2016

U.S Election Race Most Bruising and Electric EVER?

Despite being reluctant to encourage hyperbole - I nonetheless suggest this is true.
At least it may be the most amazing U.S Election I have EVER witnessed in my brief lifetime.

The arrival of Donald J Trump into the GOP and sucesful challenge to the traditional party hiearchy.
The unfair battle between Hillary and (crazy commie) Bernie Saunders.
The legitimate questions about Clinton's and Trumps "fittness for office".
The FBI dismissing allegation against Clinton and then re-opening an investigation.
Wikileaks incredible disclosures about the Clinton Campaign actors and the shattering of MSM hegemony.

It has been just incredible to watch and very difficult to withstand.

So with this video of former Democrat stratgist - James Carville - excoriating a MSNBC anchor for what I thought were quite level-headed questions.  Clearly this stand in for Billy Bob Thorton is repeatedly shooting the messenger.

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