Thursday, 17 October 2013

Why has RCMP Watch website disappeared?

From the beginning of the Robert Dziekanski "death by RCMP Taser" incident I discovered the news aggregation blog - RCMPWatch - that was dedicated to reports about RCMP actions - good and bad -  but mostly bad.

It revealed the extent of questionable RCMP activities right across the country - in almost every province - and from almost every credible news source.  It became one of my regular RSS feeds on Google Reader (itself disbanded at about the same time).

Then in June 2013 - it just disappeared. No announcement or warning - nothing. It's domain name just stopped working and has not been reinstated.     This is odd.  On conducting some Google Searches I discovered the secretive nature of its role.  No-one was ever clearly identified with the site.  Some speculated that it was actually an RCMP "Honeypot" operation - but to my knowledge that was never proven.  Regardless it did provide a useful site to review most of the crazy activity of the RCMP - with comments adding insight and observation.


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