Thursday, 17 October 2013

Outing Climate Change Fraud

Left - Mark Steyn;    Right - Micheal Mann
Well know right-wing commentator, Mark Steyn is being sued in America by a thin-skinned American Climate Change Radical - Dr. Micheal Mann - mostly over the way he was mocked by Steyn in a couple of articles critical of the whole idea of Anthrogenic Climate Change.

This event truly marks a sad day in America as it shows how pathetic the American left has become in their ability to debate in public.

But I think Steyn is actually pleased with the opportunity to skewer this important fiasco of public policy.

Luckily - another Canadian journalist - Donna Laframboise - has also been toiling away (much less visibly) on her own blog about many of the intellectual deceptions of the so-called scientists who comprise the Climate Change vanguard.  (Here is DesmogBlog's "book" on her.)

Two years ago she wrote a book (The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert) that examined the shocking lack of academic principals as practiced by the UN IPCC in their long standing run to promote a global action to combat so-called Climate Change.   Most of the Radical Environmentalists were not amused.

By coincidence she has just finished another book (Into the Dustbin: Rajendra Pachauri, the Climate Report & the Nobel Peace Prize) that explores one of the main actors in this deception - UN IPCC Chairman Rajendra Pachuri.

Dr. Micheal Mann plays by the same "fast and loose" rules.

Today Ms. Laframboise has expanded this exercise to identify ALL of the fraudulent IPCC recipients who claim part of the  2007 Nobel Peace Prize jointly awarded former to Vice-President Al Gore and the UN IPCC Committee with a website called -

It will be a pleasure to see Mark Steyn dispense with his case.


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