Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Indoctrination at Duke University

Speech by noted right-wing commentator David Horowitz at Duke University on March 7, 2006 - only a week before the alleged rape of Crystal Magnum in the infamous case against members of the Duke Lacrosse Team.

Horowitz is discussing his book "101 most Dangerous Academics in America" that identifies the prevalent left-wing subversion of many of America's academics who are seriously hostile and dangerous to academic freedom in America.  He used examples of the statements made by "washed up Calypso singer" Harry Belafonte who spoke at Duke to honour Martin Luther King Day only a few weeks before. (Belafonte has been a "UN Goodwill Ambassador" for some time and his comments as repeated by Horowitz were outrageous!).
Anti-intellectual, intellectually bankrupt and ill-bred.
Ball State - peace studies not about peace or even academic. It lures students on grounds on social, economic, and political causes of war and peace but there is not a single Military Historian in any of the 250 Peace Studies programs in America. Opposition between those who believe "peace" is natural and institutions like the Military create wars/conflict vs. others who believe Conflict/War to be a natural  state between states or men and that Peace is an aberration, and the only circumstances that create peace are strong military presence that allow us to prevent hostilities. 

But "Peace Studies" are no more about the study of Peace, just like "Women's Studies" are not about the study of Women or Black Studies are anything to do with the study of African-Americans history, Society or Culture.  All of these viewpoints share a Marxist ideology that see America as an oppressive society which is the root cause of the attacks upon it.

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