Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Moral panic the order of the day

This article indicates that the shut-down of European airspace was likely not necessary.

The National Air Traffic Control Service decision to ban flights was based on Met Office computer models which painted a picture of a cloud of ash being blown south from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano.
These models should have been tested by the Met Office's main research plane, a BAE 146 jet, but it was in a hangar to be repainted and could not be sent up until last Tuesday - the last day of the ban.

Evidence has emerged that the maximum density of the ash was only about one 20th of the limit that scientists, the Government, and aircraft and engine manufacturers have now decided is safe.
Interesting that - once again - the UK Met Office issues this projection and it has been subject to a great deal of criticism that they were absolutely useless in predicting and advising Britons that the winter just past would be "among the mildest ever" - when it was in fact the worst.    This meteorological authority was also allied with the research scientists involved in the now infamous "Climategate", a key part of the Global Warming hoax.

Suggested Reading:  Ecomyths Blog   (also this Orwellian Proof)   also,  An Inconvenient Truth OR
Convenient Fiction.

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