Friday 23 October 2009

To catch a Thief

I am very sympathetic to the incident involving new Canadian, David CHEN in Toronto. As a friend of mine likes to say "Police are into Crime Management, not Prevention". The serious implication is that they are happy to let property crime go as it is too hard to catch and is very time consuming. Anyways, our insurance covers most of it (not to mention that we end up subsidizing the theft as our premiums rise).

I also think Lorne GUNTER has it right. The justice system seens David CHEN as the problem, not the annoying petty criminal Anthony Bennett.
The Crown is more determined to discourage citizens from getting involved in local justice than it is in stopping thefts. It is more interested in the rights of criminals than the safety of ordinary Canadians and their property.
When citizenry takes control of the right to self-defense it means that the system is not functioning as it should.

[This also bears mention, the vigilante action of Andre BAMBERSKI in taking the restrained action of capturing the man who was convicted of his 14 yr old daughters murder, Dieter KROMBACH - after 27 years of inaction by the police.]

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