Saturday, 30 December 2017

Music Software

I have recently discovered the remarkable ways that computers have been able to represent music (mostly classical) that sort of reminds me of  imagery from the blockbuster 1968 film  2001: A Space Odyssey.  Each of the videos below represents a slightly more complex piece with more and more instruments/ tonal qualities.  In addition all are represented in with different visual characteristics that allow complex ways to display data - mostly 3D - but all are very captivating.

The Maestro's of these productions  are included in links but feature the tremendous efforts of   Stephen Malinowski  and  AndyFilleBrown.

Pachelbel, Canon in D 

Vivaldi, Winter, Four Seasons (Allegro)

Beethoven, String Quartet No. 13 in B-flat major (opus 130), 5th mvt.

Pi as Music (C-major pentatonic)

Debussy -- Clair de Lune

Bach, J.S. -- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

Debussy, Syrinx 

Cummings, love is more thicker than forget

Stargate Sequence - '2001: A Space Odyssey'

*Here are some of different visual rendering techniques used.   And here is an explanation on how the Slit-Screen effect was created  and here was an example of how someone mocked-up a model to achieve special effects.

Software:  Synthesia - learn to play piano visual aid
                 MuseScore - Music Notation Software
                 Blender - complex digital 3D Rendering

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