Saturday, 30 December 2017

Music Software

I have recently discovered the remarkable ways that computers have been able to represent music (mostly classical) that sort of reminds me of  imagery from the blockbuster 1968 film  2001: A Space Odyssey.  Each of the videos below represents a slightly more complex piece with more and more instruments/ tonal qualities.  In addition all are represented in with different visual characteristics that allow complex ways to display data - mostly 3D - but all are very captivating.

The Maestro's of these productions  are included in links but feature the tremendous efforts of   Stephen Malinowski  and  AndyFilleBrown.

Pachelbel, Canon in D 

Vivaldi, Winter, Four Seasons (Allegro)

Beethoven, String Quartet No. 13 in B-flat major (opus 130), 5th mvt.

Pi as Music (C-major pentatonic)

Debussy -- Clair de Lune

Bach, J.S. -- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

Debussy, Syrinx 

Cummings, love is more thicker than forget

Stargate Sequence - '2001: A Space Odyssey'

*Here are some of different visual rendering techniques used.   And here is an explanation on how the Slit-Screen effect was created  and here was an example of how someone mocked-up a model to achieve special effects.

Software:  Synthesia - learn to play piano visual aid
                 MuseScore - Music Notation Software
                 Blender - complex digital 3D Rendering

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

How Government make us Debt Slaves

Recently the Federal Government updated its Quarterly Financial Forecast.  Of course they are fictions considering the possibilities that may occur to GNP growth and actual Fiscal developments - but here are the Deficit and National Debt figures.

$15bn to $39bn will be added EVERY Year over next 20 yrs holding the (nominal) Total Federal Debt/GDP ratio just under 30% - assuming the Nominal "BAU" GDP growth rate of 3.5-4.0% is correct.

Now one VERY SURPRISING factor in the Update was including Demographic factors - such as Fertility rates, Retirement ages and Immigration rates.    To me this was a real surprise as in the past (only 4-5 yrs ago) this was rarely considered important enough to include such factors - but obviously now with an aging Labour Force and sub-replacement fertility rates (assumed to be 1.67 births/women) these addition of Immigrants is an important factor to maintain productivity factors.

Here is an International Comparison (but included ALL Government Debt)

Blogger ViableOpposition has made some other observations about the trend in International debt ratio's.

Also here was the MacDonald Laurier Institute study of Provincial Default rates* from March 2011.

*It is notable that Ontario has the highest Default probability (and then Alberta) going out 15, 20 and 30 years.  Finally, is it not interesting that Alberta has the SECOND highest probability of Default which brings me back the point that in 1936 Alberta was the first Province to DEFAULT.  This event provoked a very interesting historical experiment by the Social Credit party that led to the second longest serving party (35 yrs) in party history until replaced by the Progressive Conservatives in 1971 (who were defeated by NDP in 2015 after 44yrs).

Therefore it should come as no surprise that on exactly the same day the Province of Alberta ALSO provided its own Fiscal Update revealing that it had upped its Borrowing authority to $37bn (the max) over the next 2 years hoping no doubt to avoid scrutiny as everyone was leaving for Xmas Holidays on a Fri Dec 23, 2017.
International Government Debt OECD Website
ProvincialSolvencyandFederalObligations by Marc Joffe - March 2012

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Amtrak WA Derailment maybe linked to ANTIFA?

On the heels of the Atlanta Airport being shutdown due to a massive power failure on Sunday it was a shock to learn of another transport disaster on the other side of America first thing Monday morning. The initial speculation moved to questions about proper disaster response - but that dissipated.

Early this morning an Amtrak Passenger train derailed about halfway between Tacoma and Olympia WA.   Six people have died and others injured.  There were about 80 passengers and 6 staff onboard.  It was the first run for the "Cascades" Service on a new "high-speed" route running between Seattle WA and Portland OR.

A small comment that the cause may have been something on the track was picked up by INFOWARS as a potential clue that it may be potential sabotage and in no time they uncovered a massive amount of inline info about ANTIFA "ecotage" activities in the PNW region. 

It pointed to a coordinated effort to sabotage train tracks in the area to disrupt Oil and Gas traffic - supposedly from Western States "oil-fracking" activities.  As INFOWARS reported there was further news reports that various ANTIFA and Anarchist groups had been camping in/around the Olympia area with the express purpose of disrupting something.  [Link to time-line of ANTIFA webposts]

At this time none of this has been reported by MSM which is typical but sad that they would protect Left-Wing groups like ANTIFA.

INFOWARS also reported that according to KOMO News there were Mass Casualty Drills planned for the same day which allowed them to quickly attend and treat the disaster. All of this feeds the "conspricy" theory's popular at INFOWARS.COM

Canadian Immigration Fraud Exposed

I read this article today - a remarkable story Canadian Immigration Fraud.   It involved Student Immigrants paring up and presenting themselves as married - one can study (the girl) and all her expenses are covered while the other "spouse" tags alone and gets to live in the country and they both becomes permanent residents - then they Divorce!

This is a 2x problem:

1) Immigration that allows students to bring spouses
2) 350,000 International University students (doubled in 10yrs) generating $8bn in Revenue for University's.

These are Government Growth Sectors - at the taxpayers expense.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Dec 18 is Twitter Purge Day

Twitter announced they were going to begin implementing their new content rules - that many Conservative users are calling "Twitter Purge Day".  Part of the reason for such paranoia is that Dec 18 happens to be the Birthday of Russian Dictator Stalin.

And here is IndependentMan take on these developments and what it means for Free Speech online.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

F*#K TwitterGoogleFacebook

Solipsism is the logical conclusion of individualism. Trapped within our soulless lives, we shall eat ourselves to death. . . at the push of a button.

I recently tripped over Black Pidgeon Speaks - and really enjoyed a few of his posts/videos - but one that caught my eye was about the "Decline of Facebook" - and here it is.

I found it interesting that JeffBezos has recently begun to unload some of his stock which traditionally has meant it has plateaued.  Also I note that has done a good job reminding everyone that FB has been a creature of the CIA since founded.

And finally - I agree - it is time to get rid of Goolag.

Saturday, 2 December 2017

The End of England

White Rose tells the truth.

And Pat Condell follows-up with the mis-allocation of State Power.

And Ezra makes some good points about media going nuts over Trump Tweets - ignoring content.

Fox News Ticker
