Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Seth Rich investigation gets a boost/letdown from Kim Dotcom

Sean Hannity retracted a recent interview with a private investigator Rod Wheeler - purportedly acting on behalf of the Rich Family but honestly the complete situation has been a mess due to dubious claims and imprecise if not misleading comments from all over the place.  His family issued this Open Letter yesterday.

1) Noted Internet Freedom entrapreneur Kim Dotcom made a big deal of promoting a discloure that he finally made yesterday - but that turned out to be pretty lame and short of actual proof.  He said he was contacted in Summer 2015 by Rich under code-name "Panda" about tools he had developed to help Kim Dotcom's new New Zealand Party.   He then said he now knows this was Seth Rich without providing any convincing evidence beyond just this say-so.  Pretty dissappointing.

2) Subject of the FOX5/Hanity Interview PI Rod Wheeler who said the DC Police have not conducted even the most basic parts on an investigation into the Seth Rich murder - including (incrediblly) interviewing any of the staff at the bar where he was just before his death.  Further the question of where Set Rich's laptop is or why it has not been forensically examined is also a mystery.  Given how DC Police are under the direct control of Congress makes this exchange between Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and Congressional Security Chief rather distrurbing. 

This is related to news reports that a pair of Muslim brothers - Imran & Jamal Iwan - were hired as IT experts in 2014 to assist Democrats in the House with technololgy issues and operations.  Questions have been raised about their legitimacy, security clearance and if they may have been the source of leaks/ security breeches either by design or blackmail.

3) I speculate that some of this paranoia is tied to unsubstantiated claims by House Democrats that their email servers were somehow "hacked" by a foreign power that they are convinced  is Russian FSB.  Early this year in a surprising development a Canadian - Karim Baratov - was arrested in association with a shadowy group of FSB operatives.

And of course this can not be disassociated from the undisputed belief that political prisoner Julian Assange leader of Wikileaks recieved the leaked DNC emails from Seth Rich when he offered a $25,000 reward for any information about his untimely death.

Conclusion:  To summarize here is reporter Owen Shroyer reviewing all of this seemingly contradictory information about Seth Rich in the context of the Democrats massive campaign to divert attention from this very troubling case.   It should be a warning to anyone who thinks politics is easy.

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