Tuesday, 9 August 2016

HRC is disintegrating before our eyes.

As if it can't get any better, Drudge Report put up a few links to articles that bring attention to Hiliary's bizarre behaviours over past few weeks and proposes that she may not be "physically fit for office" - not to mention before considering anything else of substance like - policy, record and ethics.

But really Obama introduced the topic first by saying Trump was "unfit for Office" only a few days before.  It is another example of issues the Democrats/HRC floats and then has to deal with the fall-out as they loose heavily when Trump turns the tables on them and responds.

I calculated that HRC might actually die on Friday March 10, 2017 soon after being installed if she won in November which would make her selection of  Virginia Gov Time Kaine as VP Running mate all the more important.

Of course - her "lead" in the polls has been promoted by her supporters.

Then the Clinton Body Count continues to roll-on without any MSM interest.  Specifically 5 mysterious deaths of individuals with ties to the Clinton's over the last 6 weeks including:

Victor Thorn - Aug 1, 2016
Shawan Lucas - Aug 2, 2016
Joe Montano - July 25, 2016
Seth Rich - July 10, 2016
John Ashe - June 27, 2016

All of this has happened since - Bernie Saunders was dropped in the Democratic Primaries, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was replaced as DNC Chair in Philiadephia PA after Wikileaks disclosed hacked emails from Democratic National Committee, Hillary cleared by FBI so she will not be prosecuted for Email Scandal and also that the Iranian Government disclosed that a Nuclear Scientist previously living in the US was executed for espinage activities believed to be due to disclosures from Hilary's hacked email server.

Shahram Amiri - Aug 1

Finally I enjoyed this Milo Yianopolis interview with Roger Stone where they explored the probability of Electroral Fraud and Roger Stone noted that Hilary's win came from precincts where there were unauditable "machine voting" as opposed to old-style paper trail methods used.

More available at http://www.stonezone.com.

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