Sunday, 1 February 2015

How Right & Left converge on Freedom of Speech issue

Since the terrible Charlie Hebdo massacre the issues of Islamic Jihad, Religious Blasphemy and Freedom of Speech have been very much front and center in the media - in particular the stubborn refusal of the MSM to understand their role (see previous post).

Columnist Mark Steyn has been a prominent advocate of protecting our freedoms since he was charged under the Canadian Human Rights Commission with a "hate crime" along with popular media commentator Ezra Levant (well documented in Levant's book "Shakedown: How Our Government is Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights").

He was speaking about this topic in Toronto at an Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) show featuring pornographic cartoonist Art Spiegelman.  The topic was Provocation and Transgression - when the counter-culture has overturned normative mainstream culture (ie "we are all rebels now?").  Steyn ends with observation that "once all the soft targets are gone, the hard targets hit back".

On a similar vein a group of Atheists has started a campaign to remove the charge of Blasphemy from the Canadian Criminal Code.

Finally, this Montreal Imam is being denied approval for a Youth Center based on his comments that say Islam and Democracy are incompatible.   I don't disagree with him and think he should be commended for speaking the truth as he sees it.

Steyn in NatPost.pdf

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