Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Feminist in favour of Free Speech - as long as it doesn't challenge Feminism

Here is a panel discussion on Steve Pakin show involving the Feminist shutdown of Janice Fiamengo's talk at UofO in March 2014 (?).

The lineup included Host Steve Paikin;  Rachel Dacoste - HuffPo Blogger; Dr. Janice Fiamengo - Prof of English, University of Ottawa; Alice MacLachlan  - Associate Professor York University and Justin Trottier National Policy Director of the Centre for Inquiry.

I wondered if HuffPo blogger Rachel Dacoste  was aware of this other "student" Ellen Ocran who angrily decried Ann Coulter's address at UofO 4years earlier (March 2010) - but we shall never know until I get the chance to ask her.

[Ocran was filmed at the loud, vociferous demonstration that resulted in a shutdown of the talk by campus security.  Ocran had a sticker that mis-identified her as a a supporter/member of Canadian Federation of Students - which may have been her evening student activity - but during the day she is an Executive Assistant to NDP MP Pat Martin.]

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