Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Feminist in favour of Free Speech - as long as it doesn't challenge Feminism

Here is a panel discussion on Steve Pakin show involving the Feminist shutdown of Janice Fiamengo's talk at UofO in March 2014 (?).

The lineup included Host Steve Paikin;  Rachel Dacoste - HuffPo Blogger; Dr. Janice Fiamengo - Prof of English, University of Ottawa; Alice MacLachlan  - Associate Professor York University and Justin Trottier National Policy Director of the Centre for Inquiry.

I wondered if HuffPo blogger Rachel Dacoste  was aware of this other "student" Ellen Ocran who angrily decried Ann Coulter's address at UofO 4years earlier (March 2010) - but we shall never know until I get the chance to ask her.

[Ocran was filmed at the loud, vociferous demonstration that resulted in a shutdown of the talk by campus security.  Ocran had a sticker that mis-identified her as a a supporter/member of Canadian Federation of Students - which may have been her evening student activity - but during the day she is an Executive Assistant to NDP MP Pat Martin.]

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Courtney now 19yo


It was almost 3years ago (July 2011) that she made her solemn vows to marry 51yo washed-up actor Doug Hutchison.    Now after a couple of reality shows and much cosmetic surgery - she is looking for a divorce.

I am shocked! just SHOCKED I tell you.    I hope Doug asks for costs - babysitting costs that is.

Washington Thinskins

Thanks to Peoples Cube for this perfect parody of PC controversy over the name of the NFL team that has erupted again due to allegedly racist comments from LA Clippers owner Don Sterling.

This week also marks the beginning of the NFL Draft (and by chance I recently saw new movie "Draft Day" on same topic),

Thursday, 1 May 2014

YEG Traffic Tickets

Yesterday the Edmonton City Council decided not to raise Speed Limit to 60km/hr on Scona Road.

This was too bad as most people were expecting it to raised after the section was completely reconstructed to accommodate higher levels of traffic in April 2013.   Since that time the Speed Trap has been doing booming business.

The City received $11 million more than the $30 million budget for Speeding tix in 2013.

A single speed trap location like Scona Hill has likely generated $4 million/yr in fines.(~2,000/mth x 12 x $150 min fine).

It a cash bonanza! On the logic of the self-interested and serving cop Gerry Shimko - we should be forcefully advocating a gradual reduction of speed limits to 30kph until fines revenue match vehicle damages. Then he could boast of a successful USSR resolution.

Fox News Ticker
