Saturday, 18 February 2012

"Warmists" vs "Deniers"

The "Warmists" have launched a frontal media assault over the last week.   Given that Canada's has become the sharpest point in the heroic effort to repel the IPCC/Global Warmists propaganda - the attacks are focused on Canadian skeptics.

1) A devious ploy led to release of Board Meeting documents from the proudly anti-warmist U.S Heartland Institute.    The documents revealed planned programs aimed at countering the relentless Climate Change propaganda pushed by so many left-wing organizations like the United Nations IPCC and fear-mongers like Al Gore.   The memo's also provided donors names and amounts - which is a serious blow to the integrity of the organization's management.  The material was posted at   Some of it has been independently verified, while other memo's have been called fraudulent.   The blog is not well regarded by deniers.

2) Left criticizes Harper Government for "muzzling" scientists at Environment Canada.    This is "pay-back" for not supporting the radical "Warmists"within the department, including Dr. Andrew Weaver from the University of Victoria.   One of the issues raised was the purported failure of B.C salmon stocks - but this has been debates OUTSIDE government heavily.  (And the B.C Salmon Runs have been much higher than forecast for at least the last 32 years - calling into question the skill and usefulness of these scientists in any event.)   And the Government scientist has been shown to be wrong in most cases - or operating in the pocket of the David Suzuki Foundation.

3) Belatedly, I just saw a 2007 reference to a photo (above) that I thought was fake.  It wasn't - but it was discredited as the claimed author was not Canadian Ice Service employee - Dan Crosbie, but Wood Hole Oceanographic Institute researcher - Amanda Byrd.

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