Friday, 14 October 2011

The "lady" vanishes?

Sadly, the body of Dana Turner, a 31-year-old Fort Saskatchewan woman was found near Innisfail AB on Monday this week.  It was a perplexing case as - by the way it was presented by the police - she simply vanished.    However, clues have come out the longer the case was stale and fears of foul play became more widely known.  After 4 weeks, it became known that police were looking for a man in who was videotaped in  Ms. Turner's company at a motel the morning after she failed to return home to her mother and 3 children.  This is clue#1 that this pretty women may not have been a random victim of crime or circumstance.   Understandably, as leads went cold, public pleas were made. 

Now the awful news is out.  She was murdered.  But apparently she did a small drug problem that she may was struggling with at the time of her disappearance.   During a relapse she met another equally troubled addict - 24 yr old Mark Linsdsay.  During a shared drug party, he stabbed her in the head and was charged.   He served some time and was released. He was arrested in BC for robbery on Sept 21.   Here is the kicker.  Lindsay is the son of former Edmonton police chief John Lindsay.

Now why was that not disclosed before now?

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