Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Tarek Fatah - liberal Muslim leader in Canada

Ezra again has a fascinating interview with liberal Muslim and public intellectual, Tarek Fatah - recent author of "The Jew is not my Enemy".  Mr. Fatah describes his childhood in Pakistan, his first political actions that made him move to Saudi Arabia, and subsequent decision to move to Canada in 1987.   After 9/11 he and others formed The Canadian Islamic Congress as a non-mosque aligned representative group for Muslims.

Clearly Mr. Fatah does not agree with Ezra's most recent guest Geert Wilders who asserts that Islam is not a true religion - but an ideology, and a very dangerous one at that to our western democratic values.

One of the most interesting stories was about "death-threats" he was receiving while in hospital - a Toronto Police officer from the Intelligence Division basically "buried the problem"!

His book has received a number of positive reviews.  

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