Friday, 29 July 2011

Ron Paul's "*Questment" of Fed Chair Bernanke - July 13, 2011

Economists wrestling.
Ron Paul:

  •  Unemployed 40 weeks. New CPI - under old method 9%/yr last 3 yrs.
  • For Spending $5.1Tr hasn't done much as it bailed out big banks.
  • $17,000 gift to everyone may have been better for consumer?
Ben Bernake
  • Fed never spent anything - in fact they are "profit center"??
  • Avoid Financial Panic.
Ron Paul
  • But you created money out of thin air.
  • Priceless at 5:00 "Is gold money?"
    [* Questment is the often used method of political inquiry. It is a long Statement preceding a "gotcha" type question. (Or at least an attempt at a "gotcha" type question.  Often it is part of a "cross-examination" setup where a "sound-bite" trap is being laid.  This is the reason for having carefully constructed stock reply's so that free-lance errors are not made.)]

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