Tuesday 4 January 2011

2010 - The year "AGW" finally died

I don't miss it but I think we can safely state that this was the year "Anthropogenic Global Warming" (aka AGW) finally died. (cue the classic "Bye, Bye American Pie" clip).

As I have made fun of these ridiculous assertions before, I will display the parody (to left) from NoConcensus.com and their diligent debunk.   I would add that to Donna's "Top 10" posts - including this revealing bit of investigative journalism - that many of the "so-called experts" were working for the IPCC as young grad students and I can only conclude, merely completing their MA or PHd requirements (which, no doubt led to their advisors granting these degree's).  Can there be anymore tawdry instances of self-dealing?

This is further expanded in yesterday article from the National Post that (IMHO) thoroughly discredits the assertions of the IPCC that AGW is "concensus" as many of the reported 2,500 "scientists" did not endorse the IPCC reports.

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