Saturday, 16 October 2010

Could I care less about the UN?

Again, Liberal hand-wringing on CBC has escalated into an anxiety attack over this momentous event.  Rex Murphy at the National Post got it right "the UN has nothing over us".  And even better:

If Michael Ignatieff has the power to work his dominion over the combined nations of the world — to bend China, the Arab bloc, Latin America and Africa to his imperious will — why oh why he is wasting his time running around the parochial sandbox with Stephen Harper in Ottawa?
David Frum continues with this line of thinking today by noting that we seem to have invented a new Olympic Event - Solo Boxing.    As he points out - there was no "conspiracy" against Canada.  If the Americans have been unsuccessful at the UN on our account, they have been just as hapless for themselves.  And there is the pity.

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