Monday, 20 September 2010

Rob Ford surging in Toronto Mayoralty Race

I found this further evidence of the right-ward shift that seems apparent across most of the country these days.  It was also satisfying that that Liberal hack, Warren Kinsella, has proved to be a dead-weight against Ford's main opponent Rossi.  It was Kinsella who was the Liberals sharp end of the spear attack against Ezra Levant's completely rational response to the AHRC prosecution of him for "hate-crimes".   Kinsella often looked out-gunned despite his storied past accomplishments.   This 2001 article shows a different side.  Also of note was that Kevin Bosch (an Albertan) was the real "MVP" in those elections.   As usual the real workhorses don't spend all their time in self-promotion.
Kevin BOSCH - Liberal Opposition, Dir of Communications

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