Saturday, 27 March 2010

Micheal Coren interviews Ann Coulter

Coren interviews Ann Coulter, here.

Some interesting points:
  • She learned a decade ago not to do "non-live" interviews because of the potential to misrepresent her views (i.e Ambush Interview techniques of 60 Minutes) where editors have willfully parsed selected quotes from audio and print interviews that twist her answers. Hence, The Micheal Coren Show!
  • "Have you ever regretted" saying something?  No.  Coulter says she is a polemicist who tries to use the logic of her political opponents to show the absurdity of their claims. To wit, Abortion.  On murder of prominent abortionist Tellman, she said she didn't know what the fuss was as he was just "terminated in his 203 trimester".
  • 4 women who represented themselves as 9/11 widows known as "Jersey Girls" and were Democrats called to create ads calling for an end to the Iraq war.   When Ann was criticized them she was called cruel and unfeeling - which she disputes on the basis that in entering the "public debate" they are fair game. It is hiding behind "victimhood" to act otherwise. What is next using orphans to sell health care? (uh, who's that kid in the picture of Obama signing the Healthcare bill?)
  • Are you a Christian?  Yes.
  • Antisemitic? Not at all. That slag came from a poorly informed Liberal interview who was determined to be offended by me and selectively used examples to achieve it.
  • She has been called "racist" for insisting on "profiling" of air passengers - (i.e names, skin, dress,gender) which Ann suggests is just common sense. She is astounded that these issues have been taken off the table in considering the obvious security threat from Islamic countries is ludicrous. (we could profile by names - Mohammad would be at the top fro me.)
  • This is what Liberals learned from Hitler - never discriminate.  Conservatives learned - don't kill.
  • Same people who want Coulter to be barred from Canada also campaigned to admit George Galloway
  • Discrimination is acceptable - necessary for survival. Morbid obsession with ethic differences unless you you are using it in a bad manner. 
  • Is Obama great?   He may bring in the most massive right wing government ever. Worse that Carter on Foreign Policy and Clinton on Domestic Policy.

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