Monday, 15 March 2010

God's Brain - The neuroscience of devotion

Besides his intriguing name (Lionel Tiger is as close to an oxymoron as one could hope for) I found this book idea to be a most interesting idea and hope to read it ASAP (added to recent one by Ezra LEVANT - Ethical Oil). Here are some clips:

  • He estimates that religious systems have lasted 70,000 years and are practised by 80% of the world's adults.
  • Prof. Tiger is best known for his 1969 book, Men in Groups, which coined the term "male bonding." 
  • Prof. Tiger said he and his co-author Dr. Mc-Guire, a California researcher and psychiatrist, on God's Brain, released last week - were compelled to look more deeply at religion because of the spate of books by such high-profile atheists as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins, which were gaining huge readership for their anti-religious notions.
  • "We wanted to understand the mechanism in the brain that fosters religion," Prof. Tiger said during a stop in Toronto. "We're really interested in what is going on in humans that stimulates, permits and codifies the endurance of religion. It's a major scientific mystery. Our intent was to describe what might animate and support this notion of the sacred in such a complex set of different societies and circumstances."
  • The main arguments of these HITCHENS & DAWKINS is that no religion is backed up by scientific fact and therefore religious believers are deluded, if not outright morons.
  • "That was disrespectful and also not scientific," Prof. Tiger said. "You can't have a viable society in which 80% of adults are morons."
How intriguing.

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