Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Ann Coulter = lightening rod to discontent

The controversy over Freedom of Speech has been whipped into a fevered pitch at the University of Ottawa.  The event was canceled last night due to concern by police over the safety for the attendees to the talk. The left and various fringe groups (i.e UK Labour MP George Galloway)  can say whatever they want and we are supposed to tolerate it, but try to turn the tables and this what happens.  The other recent example was the disallowing a York University Jewish Students group to mount a "rebuttal" display during that university's controversial, racist "Israel Apartheid Week" protests.  They were told that because of the likelihood of provoking violence was so high - not withstanding they had agreed to pay for security - they could not participate.

What an outrage!   She will be in Calgary tomorrow.    I can hardly wait because I bet she will be welcomed with open arms.

Hopefully, the Provost at University of Ottawa will get some come-comeuppance from his misconceived idea. Here is his contact info if you wish to tell him your thoughts.

François Houle
Vice-recteur aux études / Vice-President Academic and Provost
Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa
550, rue Cumberland Street
Ottawa (ON) K1N 6N5
Telephone : (613) 562-5800 ext. 5737
Fax : (613) 562-5106

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