Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Riding Association Follies - The Trojan Horse gambit

There have been a few public bumps in the road for Rob Anders in Calgary recently.    First this article appeared sharply critical of his performance.   Then this editorial comment from a blog by an NDP hack John Baglow - was published.   To be honest, I thought it did shed quite a bit of useful, bright light on the whole topic of Riding takeovers.

The next installment was here in the Calgary Herald, explaining that the whole Constituency Association has quit in protest over heavy handed interference by the party's National Council.  The final installment from the National Post is here.

From this it should be clear -  Ms. Donna Kennedy-Glans is not a Conservative of my liking.  As to "protecting" sitting candidates - I am in favour of it unless or until something merits "recall'. 
He's fended off powerful challengers to his nomination, including Alberta's future justice minister [Alison REDFORD - a feminist liberal in PC clothing if there ever was one], and to his election, including Calgary's future mayor [Bronco], his victory margin growing throughout. Tories in Ottawa are happy to leave him holding the Calgary-West fort, and the party has policies that help protect sitting MPs like him from enduring constant nomination battles in their ridings.

Ref:  BigCityLib.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So anyone who fails to comment or support the proroguing of parliament and/or is in support of a nomination race in Calgary West is a Liberal?

I would not label you a Liberal or Conservative for your view. Such ideologies cannot be bestowed solely on the basis of ones view of the recent proroguing or destroying of grassroots Conservatism. I will however rightfully label you ill informed.

Did you notice that in the article in the National Post in defence of Anders not a single MP from the Conservative Party commented about him in anyway. They had to ask an MP from the NDP to do so, and his mildly positive comment was marginal at best. This is because of two factors: 1) Anders has little to no support from his caucus; and 2) even those that do support him, would not say they do publicly as to do so would be to eat political poison.

Further, the article was written by Kevin Libin, a friend of Anders. Such an article quite frankly is propaganda, nothing more, nothing less.

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