Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Quebec Human Rights Decision - give-up your parking spot, or else!

Wow - another Human Rights decision that guaranatee's their reformation.

In Quebec, an obese new condo owner - Marise Myrand - wanted a parking stall as close to the front door of her condo building as possible in order to accommodate her over-weight medical condition.  She asked the condo association to give her one but they refused and so she took them to the Human Rights Commission for their failure to accomodate her handicap.  The Commission ruled that the condo board must give Ms. Myrand  the best parking spot and pay a $10,000 fine.

Another example of the government legislating good behaviour.  As Lorne Gunter puts it: 

What the Quebec commission is doing is institutionalizing absolute selfishness. People from favoured groups must get everything they want, otherwise those they are complaining against are guilty of discrimination.
Pierre-Yves Bourdeau, the Quebec government lawyer who represented Ms. Myrand, told reporters, “When you live in condo co-ownership … you’re obliged to help people with physical disabilities.”
No you’re not. A condo is not a commune.

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