Thursday, 12 November 2009

Color Guard has no colour

"A tempest in a teapot dome" perhaps, this is a post I saw at Michelle Malkin's blog referring to the controversy over the U.S Naval Academy's Color Guard presence at the World Series.  The select group of soldiers was "reconstituted" to include a women and "non-white" soldier to represent the "diversity" of the Army.

Unfortunately the Color Guard has been through long tradition and history been selected on merit - and the fact that all are white males presumes that others of race and gender failed to meet the strict criteria.    Perhaps this year was a fluke, perhaps not. Perhaps it indicated discrimination, I don't know.  But for sure it stinks that the composition was altered at the last minute, obviously to be "Politically Correct".  It was made worse by a gag order given to the members of the Color Guard by base commanders regarding any discussion of the issue.

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