Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Canada not last in Cell Phone Charges

I''m glad that someone (even if  he is slandered for being self-serving)  has rebutted that OECD Report that perpetually places us last in the world for cell phones value.    Not everything seems quite right, but alot of his point ring true.

And here was my comment:

Well I disagree with Rete2009. Mr. Engelhart's explanation makes alot  of sense to me.  I may quibble with his self-congratulations - but he has made  a number of good points about the shortcomings of that OECD Report - which has for years put us last. I as well have traveled to Europe and Australia and found Europe more complex and costly.  Australia plans/costs per minutes seem to be cheaper - mostly I think as they use a GSM system and I assume that they gain some scale advantages in subscriber equipment and consumer handsets.  Now that everyone is fully converted here I hope we shall see some lower prices. I note that FIDO (the Rogers entry brand) has begun to offer 2000 minutes/mth for $45 - that works out to 2+c/min!   That seems pretty attractive for high usage I think.  I want to thank Ken Engelhart for clearing the air - and I think we should give 'em a break.  Cheers, crj

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