Tuesday 27 October 2009

The Nanny State of Ontario

I celebrate the popular decline of Premier Dalton MCSPENDY, Chief Nanny of Ontario - although it can't happen fast enough. I suspect he will leave the clean-up to someone else. Even as he just got "smoked" by Federal Court for unreasonable restrictions on smoking by federal inmates within Ontario jails, I see on the news that he just announced a Nursery School and Kindergarten Daycare Plan to be rolled for to 35,000 4&5 year olds NEXT SEPTEMBER at a estimated cost of $1 bn!

No doubt he is preparing the way for an election over the issue - given the hammering he will have to endure in the next 2 years while he figures out a way to fund this years (2009/10) anticipated $24.7 bn deficit, next years (2010/11) $21.1 bn deficit and the forecasted 2011/12's $19.4 bn deficit (excluding the Daycare figures) - before he can cut costs and balance the provincial budget!

Combine this with growing unease about Ontario MPP's behaviour, notably Former Attorney General Michael BRYANT and recently, Kuldip KULAR - both involved with "leaving the scene of an accident".

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