Friday, 16 October 2009

Happy Birthday Joan COOK

This happened a few weeks ago (Oct 6) but it marks the coincidence of 3 Senators having been mentioned to me in a matter of one week. That is remarkable.

Joan COOK was 75 years old on Oct 6. Hence, she will be retiring from her place in the Senate. She has been a representative of Newfoundland and Labrador since March 6, 1998 and was appointed by Jean CHRETIEN.

Dennis PATTERSON (Nunavut) is a former Premier of the Northwest Territories and one of the new crop of Senators appointed by PM Harper in August. Patterson was mentioned by a friend as having been the reason Nunavut is "going green" (or at least more green). They have had a housing boom up there with the new government, and he has had requests for control systems for diesel genset/PV/Wind system's. That is unique.

The other Senator I found was Elaine MCCOY. I was surprised to see her listed as a Progressive Conservative! (even though she was appointed by Paul MARTIN). I am very interested to see how she has voted in the past. As we have such a concentration of Liberal Senators up here in Edmonton (BANKS, TARDIFF and MITCHELL) I have not had cause to find the other ladies (MCCOY and FAIRBAIRN) . She may find herself "courted" more often now.


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