Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Green Oil (and Ham)

A former columnist for The Edmonton Journal, Satya DAS has just finished a investigation that explores the challenges and implications of Alberta’s development of the oil sands, which is among the world’s single biggest hydrocarbon deposit. Green Oil says the oil sands can lead the transition to a clean-energy future. This will be welcome news to the Oil Industry who have become desperate for something to counteract the Stelmach Government's fumbled PR Battle on Oil and left them vulnerable to attack from the Obama Democrats. I understand that Ezra LEVANT is also attacking the subject.

Don MARTIN added this 2 part article last week about the Oil Industry. In "Our Oil, U.S Need" on Sept 26 he made this point.
The United States imports 60% of its daily fuel requirements. President Barack Obama has vowed to wean his country off Middle East oil within 10 years. The U.S.'s other nearby secondary suppliers are either hostile (Venezuela) or their production is dwindling so quickly that they could be a net importer of oil within five years (Mexico). For every five barrels of oil America consumes a day, one comes from Canada. One barrel of every 20 now consumed in the United States is pumped straight out of the oilsands, a number that could triple inside of 15 years.
Then I saw this admonishment from the U.S Energy Secretary, Dr. Steven Chu;
“The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act,” Dr. Chu said.

The administration aims to teach them—literally. The Environmental Protection Agency is focusing on real children. Partnering with the Parent Teacher Organization, the agency earlier this month launched a cross-country tour of 6,000 schools to teach students about climate change and energy efficiency.
This kind of propaganda is not likely to put the Alberta Oilsands in a good light.

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