Not having seen or read of it, I searched and found it at www.pointdebasculecanada.ca. It is a francophone blog that appears to be taking the same tack as Ezra LEVANT - at least as far as taking the CHRC to task. The founder - Marc LEBUIS - claims to be a supporter of Free Speech and is obviously very bilingual (not really sure about his other background) . He has a number of french posts translated into English, in order I suppose, to get wider distribution. Yet even for his french posts he has employed the free "Google Translate" add-in on his site, which allows any reader to select one of the 36 languages available and have the french version rendered almost instantly into that tongue. WOW! I declare the "Two Solitudes" officially over.
In particular, M. LEBUIS has taken an Imam in Montreal named Abou Hammaad Sulaiman Dameus Al-Hayiti to task for some of the outrageously hateful comments made by him in an ebook (in french/arabic) available at his website and mosque. Among some of his pronouncements:
- Gays and lesbians should be “exterminated in this life”. Gays involved in sodomy must be “beheaded”.
- Infidels generally “live like animals,” “love perversity”, “are our enemies,” and their offspring are the most perverted of children. Male infidels want to “sexually exploit women.” “One of the greatest forms of ignorance and injustice” would be for Muslims to regard infidels as being on the same level as Muslims.
- Christianity is a “religion of lies” responsible for the Western world’s “perversity, corruption and adultery.”
- Jews “spread corruption and chaos on earth.”
- Men are “better” than women, having “a more complete intellect and memory.”
- Muslims in Muslim lands must “humiliate and punish” Christians and Jews; Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and others must convert to Islam or “be killed”.
M. LEBUIS on April 1, 2008 filed a formal Sec 13 complaint (aka The Hayiti Case) with the CHRC using the above examples from Imam Al-Hayiti's ebook (apparently on his website) entitled L’islam ou l’intégrisme - À la lumière du Qor’an et de la sounnah (Islam or fundamentalism - In light of the Qor'an and the Sunnah).
The CHRC's staggering response to this complaint? Rejected. In a letter dated Dec 5, 2008, the CHRC could not find any "identifiable group" that was hurt by such statements (above).
Huh? Excuse me, but WHAT?
M. LEBUIS after an exhaustive dissection of the decision, makes the following trenchant conclusions:
- If you belong to a minority, you can with impunity propagate hatred and contempt against the majority. You are not held to the same standards of tolerance, respect and civility as the majority. Equality under the law, according to the Commission, does not exist anymore.
- If you belong to a religious minority, you can with impunity propagate a supremacist ideology that also condones the extermination of other minorities, and of the majority, if this is the doctrine of your religion.
- If you belong to the majority and you expose the supremacist, totalitarian and anti-democratic ideology propagated by a minority, you risk being sued.
"I cannot help but observe that the CHRC has discredited itself without need of assistance."That about sums it up. Do we need any more evidence that the HRC's have outlived their usefulness? I think not.
Fire. Them. All
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