Saturday, 13 June 2009

CHRC "Commisar" Jennifer LYNCH attempts to subvert CTV interview

Ezra LEVANT is reporting that CTV PowerPlay (a daily Political Affairs show from Ottawa) was bullied by Jennifer LYNCH, the head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission after she refused to debate an internal report that the CHRC has submitted to Parliament on how to "improve" the protection of Human Rights in Canada. Among his points:
  1. This "internal report" was never requested and completely ignores an external "lapdog" review finished in December.
  2. The "recommendations" include removing centuries old legal traditions and adopting the much maligned CHRC definitions - thus removing "truth and fair comment" as defenses.
  3. Jennifer LYNCH would not agree to even appear on CTV show with Ezra Levant, nor would she allow her top legal representative to debate him. CTV agreed to have them make separate appearances, with Ezra last.
  4. The representative would not address anything said by Ezra.
It was a joke.

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