Monday, 23 February 2009

Warren KINSELLA Doubles-Down

In a suicidal effort to save his Liberal hack reputation, Warren KINSELLA appears to have decided to go "all-in" and double-down on his Defamation lawsuit against Ezra LEVANT. Ezra has all the details on his blog today (with a 2 Alarm code) entitled:

"Ignatieff campaign files $5-million lawsuit to cover up Adscam involvement"

This seems to be turning into a legal skirmish by ideological proxy's for the Conservative and Liberal Partys battling with each other over insults invoked while discussing free speech at the Canadian Human Rights Commission. What a party!

At KINSELLA's blog there were 2 items of intersect 1) David AHENAKEW has been found Not GUILTY of Hate Crime - which he uses an an example why Criminal Code prosecutions are to ineffective against Hate Crime and 2) KINSELLA - as an advisor to The Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) are aghast at Sid RYAN' sponsored CUPE votes to boycott Israeli universities. KINSELLA calls for decertification retaliation. Wow.

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