Monday, 19 January 2009

Israel/Gaza - Operation Cast Lead

On Dec 26, Israel launched its military response to the relentless Hamas-directed missile/mortar attacks into adjacent Israeli territory (about 2-3 attacks per day over past 6 months) - code-named "Operation Cast Lead".

Without any precise targeting intelligence, Hamas's rockets they fall where they may. Such indiscriminate tactics allows Hamas to disingenuously claim they are not targeting civilians! Luckily for Israelis, their sophisticated military defenses/counter-measures are able to intercept most of the incoming ordinance - rendering it harmless. Nonetheless, these missile/mortar attacks have continued unabated since the June 2008 truce was abandoned by Hamas and have created a queasy climate of fear in the Israeli City of Sderot, situated on the boarder with Gaza. Not all counter-measures have been successful and some rockets have caused causalities but they only amount to a handful - compared to what they could be.

The Israeli Air Force highly targeted retaliation against Hamas rocket launchers - most of which are rapidly moved about by pickup trucks - has been devastatingly effective. (see youtube video below) Hundreds of deadly accurate strikes have been carried out against Hamas operatives. Scores of sites have been demolished. Hamas claims (as of Jan 18, the beginning of the Israeli ceasefire) thousands1 of causalities, many of them civilians.

However, in order to gain a propaganda advantage Hamas diabolically sets-up its rocket-launchers close to civilian schools, mosques, hospitals and parks in Gaza. They fire with impunity and when Israel Defense Forces (IDF) retaliate against such sites, the gruesome "collateral damage" is paraded about for the TV cameras. It is no longer debatable that many of these "photo opportunities" are actually situations faked or orchestrated by Hamas for the benefit of the captive Press Corps (who are only allowed to go where Hamas permits them to go - always accompanied). Hamas is funded by Iran.

On January 10, after significant air operations destroyed much of the public infrastructure of Gaza, the IDF moved-in with tanks and ground troops to "mop-up". They engage in house-to-house search missions to eliminate any lingering Hamas insurgents.

On Jan 18, Israel declares a truce brokered with the assistance of France and agreement of Egypt and the U.S. Hamas continues to fire at least 30 rockets but suffers instant retaliation before agreeing to cease hostilities 6hrs later for one week to allow IDF troops to withdraw.

1. Hamas claims 5,000 casualties (including civilians?) in Gaza. IDF places 1,300 Hamas casualties in Gaza and 13 IDF soldiers during the operation - half of which were "friendly fire" incidents. I have read that estimated civilian casualties in Israel are under 100, but I can not be sure of the time frame and so may be overstated. Clearly though, Hamas was pummeled. I understand Gaza population is 1.5 million.
2. "Why Israel Feels Threatened" by Benny MORRIS, 2008DEC08 NY Times. Hezbollah has re-armed since the 2006 war with Israel. The PA has an estimated arsenal of 30,000 to 40,000 Russian-made rockets from Syria and Iran. Inside Israel 1.3 million Israelis of Arab disent live and are growing rapidly (15% of population) - in fact projections have these Israeli Arabs constituting a majority by 2040-2050. This is also a reason why jewish immigration is highly encouraged.

[Update: 2008JAN20 Jerusalem Post "Palestinians are being rounded up and eyewitnesses said the detainees were being held in school buildings and hospitals that had been turned into make-shift interrogation centers". Oh my, call the UN! Oh - it's ok it's just Hamas having "fun" with Fatah.]

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