Monday, 19 November 2018

International Mens Day - the relationship between Suicide and Divorce in America

I discovered the data above on an old blog (2009 March) that discussed the reasons for the dramatic change in the 1960's.   I had not seen such LT Data before so it was convincing.   More troubling is that even now (or 2017) very little acknowledgment is given to this huge "gender gap".


It also brought to mind of one of the "exit strategy's" employed by disaffected Western men to counteract this phenomena - moving to a less developed tropical country and just "dropping out" of the Rat Race by marrying a foreign women.

The NAWALT tactic (aka "Not All Women Are Like That") was promoted for awhile by  men in the flush of a new relationship - but soon the truth was out.  (In fact I know one fellow who had to follow and recover his kids from his former common law wife in Thailand).  So it has finally been revealed for the scam it always was suspected to be - women the world over are all the same.

MEMO: Today Nov 19 is International Men's Day and no - you could be forgiven for not knowing as it is not recognized by the United Nations (the is not day specifically dedicated to Men unlike Women who have

Friday, 9 November 2018

Requium of #FakeNews

Jim Acosta of CNN lost his Whitehouse Press Pass was pulled yesterday and everyone lost their minds.    He deserved it and I hope President Trump follows thru on pulling April Ryan's Pass as well.   She has the same approach as Acosta - to just shit on the President.   I enjoyed Mark Dice's take on the situation.

I hope this breaks some of the more outrageous behaviours by the WH Press Corp - but I doubt it.    I am sure that a new Acosta will present themselves unless some discipline is exerted over this unruly mob.

Of course the media conveniently forgets that Obama was the most hostile President in history towards the media because of their toxic love-affair with him on behalf of the Democrats.  Here is his call to eject a heckler from the Whitehouse and another incident where he had a reporter physically removed for her questions.

Then I thought that since the failure of the Kavanaugh Hoax there seems to have been a turn-about in skepticism about the "MSM narrative".    And then 1st Accuser Dr Blasey-Ford credibility was shredded at her Senate appearance.  Then the 2nd Accuser - Julie Swetnick - got embroiled in a denial-fest with the media and rejected her legal counsel Micheal Avenetti (aka Creepy Porn Lawyer - courtesy Tucker Carleson).  And now the 3rd Accuser - Munro-Leighton - has admitted lying.

Then today I see that the Houston Chronicle - a fairly major newspaper has apologized to readers after it released the results of a study on its reporters use of "anonymous sources".  It retracted eight stories because "sources" did not exist and revealed that "of 275 people quoted, 144 or 44% did not appear to exist".     This is exactly what has been plaguing Trump since he began his Whitehouse run. 

The media is awash in #FakeNews.

Fox News Ticker
