Saturday, 17 February 2018

Why MSM is not doing its job

Ran across this video that explains how the vast power of the internet helps solve many challenges - and why "social media suppression/censorship" is a bad idea.  Veemo (at least as far as I could determine that is his handle) explains the role of 4Chan in facilitating this cooperation.

The most impressive example calling in an Air Strike.

And something more chilling

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Eroding Web Freedom

Dave Culllen of Computing Forever has recently done a number of good warnings on the growing Personal Threats to Security of the web (like this one).   I think ot is very important to remember that the early altrustic motto of Google "Do no Evil" is DEAD.    I thought I would include a few together to collect them.

Internet Regulation: The End of The Wild Wild Web

The Dark Arts of Software Updates

Fox News Ticker
