When this Prager University first came out - mostly there was a stunned silence - as I think many thought somebody at Prager and as a scholar from AEI would be able to trouble-shoot the questions flying around the problem with marriage.
And here were some of the follow-up replys that built up the case.
The more accurate intrepretation is that the women and society benefit from the mans sacrifice - plus the children will become the future of the tribe/society.
Prager University has had a bad habit of stepping into shit - and then I recalled a former mistake called Feminism v2.0 by Trad-Con speaker Tammy Bruce. Shit Flinging Monkey accurately calls it Sex-Negative Feminism.
TFM also made some good points on advisability of Womens Suffrage here and here and that MGTOW only get started about 10 yrs ago because men just sucked up the Gynocratic society that has been around for centuries - until it got too much and men started to rebel.
Dennis Prager discusses the "Safe but Sorry" stupidity of Governor of New York State by describing 'Snowmageddon" in January 2015. First time in 100 years that NYC Subway was shutdown and city closed before a snow storm that never materialized despite the "expert" prediction.
This Swede describes the despair, lethargy, intertia of malaise that many feel. We all need a to committ to a purpose to save our society/culture - but the frustration is how. Not sure that Stephan is Micheal Robbins as a motivational speaker - but that is his intent.
"Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are anger and courage;
anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are."
Long faces by CNN’s political director David Chalian, CNN’s chief political analyst Gloria Berger, CNN’s executive director of Political Programming/Sr. Political Analyst Mark Preston, and Chief Political Correspondent Dana Bash.
That was the priceless description by TheOtherMcCain of the 4th Election loss in Georgia 6 by Democrats since the Nov 2016 victory by President Trump. And as he also pointed out - the other loser - the main-stream media. In fact I would say the media lost more - its pretence of objectivity AND in possessing any political extertise AT ALL. The reason? They are no longer a news organization - they are a Democrat Propaganda front.
Just like Robin Williams, rock-star Prince, and George Micheals - lifestyle factors including drugs, alchohol and rampent sexual liasons has alot to do with these celebrities deaths - but they are NEVER truely disclosed or discussed as the media fawn over such flawed humans.
In this case Carrie Fisher it has been revealed had an interesting cocktail in her system when she died in a lflight to London on Deec 27, 2016 in lead-up promotion to a new Star Wars release.
Finally this week we can say that the Democrats false narrative of "Russian Election Interfernce" can be put to bed. Tucker Carleson (before his Appendicitus hospitalization yesterday) interviewed noted leftist and Hollywood Director Oliver Stone about his "Interview with Putin" show. Stone did a good job of demolishing the case by the American Intelligence community - not to mention emphasising the clear motive of the Democrats in supporting such a thread-bare narrative.
I was floored that Stone was so generous in his accessment of the situation towards President Trump - unlike his supposed party of the left but clearly he has no love for Hillary or even perhaps Obama. If this does not blunt or even shut-down the relentlous attack rhethoric from the generiatics within the Democratic Party - I don't know what could.
Also Chris Matthews has also accepted that after former FBI Director James Comey testimony - there is not case.
And many others as a result have finally capitulated to this evidence and disclosure. The question that now stands is the COMPLICITY of a heavily politicized Intelliegnce Community.
Controversy over NEW Megyn Kelly Show interview of Alex Jones broke over the last few days.
Alex Jones has called for the show to be scrapped after seeing the teaser claiming Kelly "broke" her agreement to fairly represent his views. A sponsor pulled their ads over the choice of InfoWars host Jones and a Sandy Hook parents organization that Kelly was apparently speaking to pulled their invite.
The bulk of apparent opposition is the supposed illegitimacy of InfoWars - despite his large audience and the self-immolation of the main-stream media's integrity. Increasingly GOP political aficianados' are recognizing the constant "cognative dissonance" of MSM towards real factual reporting and balance.
Aside from CNN's bias towards the Democrats against the GOP - it is
rank hypocrisy to characterize the Democrats as respectful Christians
especially when it is clear thay have been hostile to Christianity over
all other religions.
All this obvious conflict between factual reporting and reality is begining to be unavoidable for MSM consumers - especially with the growth of Alternative News media online that document, re-inforce and VALIDATE these self-evident discrepancies and misrepresentations.
This loss of gatekeeper status has now reached a critical level and has clearly "crossed the Rubicon".
The question remains WHY IS INFOWARS is so popular and I am pretty sure it has alot to do with the pontifical preaching of "naratives" by the MSM and how they are shilling for the Progressive/Democrats all the time claiming to be "fair and balanced".
Conservative voters (who obviously elected Trump this time around) are searching for "better" news and and factual debate. Lionel ? describes Alex Jones as "Performance Analysis" in a nod to "Performance Art" where the key factor is making a honest and open enquiry of situations without a predermined outcome or answer and the 1976 film Network with popular personality Howard Beale comes to mind.
Is it just me or does Canadian lesbian who is gold-digging Bill Cosby look like a Troll Doll?
You decide. In related news - Cosby's Lawyer "gave up" after 6min Summation - although during trial he did a pretty good job of showing HUGE GAPING INCONSISTENCIES in Constands various past testimony, police interviews and other evidence - including her former private civil settlement agreement.