This marks the 1 year Anniversary of Ezra Levants Rebel.Media - and what a year it has been!
The most surprising development - that was in a way a Birthday Gift to Rebel.Media - was the NDP Government's attempt to ban Rebel.Media Reporters Shelia Gunn-Reid and Holly Nicholas from Government Press Conferences!
In this video Ezra describes that even the NDP learned how it has stepped in a hornets nest of opprobrium over an obvious attempt to muzzle the press - especially when it is a strong critic of the Government. The NDP backed down and have appointed an "advisor" on the matter. Ezra points out this does notmean the end of the matter as he suspects it is just an attempt to outsource criticism to a sympatetic third-party - who in the end comes back with exactly the same result. Only time will tell.
But perhaps the most surprising aspect of this news story was the contribution of OTHER Media outlets - many of which have never been particularlly kind to Rebel.Media or its predecessor
Sun News Network.
Finally, Rebel.Media has grown and deserves to be congratulated for its sucess - despite news that Brain Lilley is moving on somewhat to CFRA580 Talk Radio in Ottawa.
Last year Rebel.Media YouTube Channel had only 1,885 subscribers with 85,000 page views - today it has over 86,000 and 25+ million page views. That is something to be proud of - and I think this project is going to continue to grow -
as the traditional media shrinks.