Friday, 18 July 2014

Hamas rejects "Cease-fire" with Israel

Hamas rejects a Egyptian "Cease-fire" offer while continuing to rain 100-200 rocket attacks per day on Israeli citizens - primarily civilian targets.   To make matters worse they have been proved to be locating their rockets and armaments in/under/near schools/mosques - thereby threatening their own "citizens" (or more accurately vassals/cannon fodder).

As the gullible foreign press apparently unquestionably parrot Hamas claims of "over 200" dead vs less that 10 in Israel (due to the effectiveness of their "Iron Dome" anti-missle Defense program) - the reason for these massive casualties is naturally ascribed to Israel.

But there are reason to doubt - if not be immediately skeptical - that Hamas is truthful.  In fact we know most of these disclosures are propaganda.  Consider:

1) IDF Says at Least 100 Hamas Rockets Hit Within Gaza

Hamas rockets maybe responsible for a LARGE proportion of its own civilians casualties.  One blogger estimated that on Tuesday (July 15) 44 of 192 Rockets fire by Hamas fell on its own territory!  Why this happened is up for discussion - but there is ample evidence it is a very common occurrence - and most Israelis believe it is intentional to cow their own population and place the blame on Israel.

And given Hamas's other reprehensible practices - this is not inconceivable.

2) Hamas Press Releases can not be trusted as they often show pictures of casualties from other counties or disasters.  This is  know as "Pallywood" - but the BBC is notorious for not checking the material - as is the CBC.   In 2000 this practice was clearly exposed in a libel case called the "Al Dura Affair".

3) UNRWA Fraud.   In this NatPo FP article it is explained how the US$0.9bn budget of UNRWA is used to promote perpetual victimization and hatred of Israel.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Rise of Military Tactics by Police Departments

This is disturbing - along with many other developments - like this in Canada.

The situation in America seems to be worse - in some regards it is developing into a Police State. And things like this.

And then of course there is the TSA "Security Theatre"

Monday, 14 July 2014

Where are the "Moderate" Muslims?

Recently, reaction to clips of Brigitte Gabriel's comments at a Washington DC Conference about the Benghazi Affair have been circulating.  Here is one from CNN show "Red State/ Blue State" that I found of interest (despite the suspicious and obvious heavy edits):

IMHO, the best points seem to implicate the role of the media.

Fox News Ticker
