Wednesday, 15 January 2014

How to protect your PC - Microsoft

Good article.

Nevada Citizen Debates consequences of NDDA (Nov 2013 version)

This "normal" authorization of the NDDA (National Defense Authorization Act)  has some very controversial clauses that are brought up in this video by "just a mom".   Why is it that she can clearly see the threat of "blank cheque" laws that are in direct contradiction with the U.S Constitution?

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

25,000 Disappeared in Mexico over 6yrs until 2012 - PRI and Drug Cartels complicit

This is a shocking story.

How Russia has won South Africa

On of my favourite Canadians and notable commentator in the US - Mark Steyn wrote an penetrating analysis of the Obama Administrations Foreign Policy fiasco's under the title "American Ineffectualism".

That nail was driven further home in Dec with the Geneva appeasement of  Iran.

Then the icy funeral for Mandela.

It has been followed up by Russia President (for life) Vladimir Putin's play for global ascendancy as the Winter Olympics approach in less than 1 month.

Even this false satirical quote gains "currency" among eager Obama detractors as "believable" (there is no such attributable quote - official or not.)

Then it appears like Putin has signed a deal in South Africa to lock down one of the main regimes with a substantial Uranium supply in nearby Namibia - and will contribute to building 8 Nuclear Reactors over next 15 years.

How to replace Google

Recently, one of my favorite political satire sites was temporarily shutdown by Facebook.  I am not a huige fan anyway and "removed" myself from it over 2 years ago.

But an argument has been made that MOST of us are just and addicted to Google - and I must plead GUILTY.  This blog and associated email - plus many other Goggle Services are used.   And despite the determined efforts to "merge" or corral user info - I have managed to stay one step ahead.  But I sense that time may be coming to an end as web-censorship ramps up.  So it would be good to have alternatives.

Here is LifeHacker's solutions.


What is TED - and does it matter?

This writer thinks not.

Fox News Ticker
