"Idle No More" - where Native groups acted with impunity and threats against anyone who did not agree with their ridiculous demands - often leading to more disruptions and illegal activity.
Here was how OPP Chief Chris Lewis responded to criticism about their lack of enforcement in Ontario.
The problem as I see occurs when other groups - who attempt NOT to disrupt public roads/throughofare's etc. - ARE arrested, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law - often for nothing more than exercising LAWFUL rights of assembly. This is an unacceptable double standard that gives-in to the bully's behaviors while abusing the rights and goodwill of law abiding citizen
Exhibit 1 - Ezra being removed from protesters in Toronto for his own safety.
Exhibit 3 - Despite the repeal of the Long Gun Registry, Ontario's Chief Firearms Officer Chris Wyatt has concocted a bureaucratic ruse to impede legitimate gun owners enjoyment of their fire-arms. I suggest all this does is enrage the very people who are most likely to SUPPORT them. Ezra suggests this fellow needs to be hauled in front of the court for show-cause hearing about why he should not be charged with Contempt of Court for this illegal obstruction.
- Small group in Edmonton protests Omar Khadr's return to Canada - and gets threatened for appearing outside the Law Courts.
Here was my email to Lewis:
Mon Jan 28,2013
Dear OPP Chief Chris Lewis,
As followup to your disappointing video explaining that as citizens we don't understand the "complexities" of policing the Idle No More protesters. This is poppycock. 1) You should try. 2) Check out this video from Ketchikan AK where aboriginal's are caught trying to do the crap you have let them get away with for years.