Wednesday, 28 November 2012

How "The Pill" is dangerous

Sun had VERY good interview with a young U.S Pro-Life supporter Lila Rose about the negative impact of hormonal birth-control.  It is very disturbing. As Coren mentions - rather than speaking about self control, basic morality, self-respect and dignity.

  • Health Risks
  • Hormonal Birth Control a Group 1 Carcinogen + Heart Disease
  • Sexual Ethics 
  • Restraint + Respect

so they don't suffer health risks, heartbreak, and emotional/psychological pain.

Fertility and sexuality is a incredible gift and should be respected.

Barbra Kay also wrote about this a little while ago.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Ron Paul Farewell Address

Senator Ron Paul gave his Farewell Address last week.  He is stepping down and although I know many Republicans who hate him (almost worse that Obama it seems) I think he has been one of the most thoughtful and courageous U.S Senators in my lifetime.

Here is WaPo blog that hilights some of his greatest political accomplishments.

And here is his case for a return to Military Non-Intervention during the 2008 GOP Nomination Debate.

Fox News Ticker
