Saturday, 13 October 2012

Rewind 1997

Old clip from Aug 1997 of "Politically Correct with Bill Maher" :

Apart from the historical perspective that mentions Bill Clinton and and Princess Diana - it is interesting that Marilyn Manson uses denigration of christianity shock tactics to "sell" and I really doubt he he would do the same thing against Islam.

Lakita Garth-Wright had some interesting points.

Then here is recent interview (2012) where he talks about his artistic "redemption" in new album "Born Villian".  Mentions rather heavy recognition that more school shootings associated to his music than anyone.

And then here is an interview with Bill Maher post 2008 Post Gellans anti-muslim cartoon riots - where he condemns all religion he admits christianity is "less" contemptible than Islam.

Fox News Ticker
