At Gellers blog she reveals the other parts of the interview that was edited out - a wise move that given that Geller slayed them in that part as well.
Here is letter of protest I wrote to CNN about this segment.
I am shocked that Erin Burnett is "fronting" for - yes, savages - who clearly are attempting to destroy freedom of expression/speech. 1) I am incredulous that a MAJOR US MEDIA OUTLET is advocating RESTRICTIONS ON SPEECH because they are afraid of the reaction by Muslim fanatics. 2) Ignoring the violence that has taken place since Sept 11 where an American Ambassador was murdered - in a country America and it's Allies just help liberate? 3) Apparently swallowing - hook, line and sinker - the laughable premise that ALL THIS MURDER & MAYHEM over a dumb video (that none have seen) 4) High School debate tactics that ignore the REAL defn of "Jihad". Yes in English it is condensed to "struggle" - but this is such a etho-centric way of understanding "Jihad". In Arabic it is "A religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad ... enjoined especially for the purpose of advancing Islam and repelling evil from Muslims."
This was a good debate - but more shocking was Erin Burnett's apparent acceptance of chilling debate on this vital topic. She is now part of an Islamic 5th column in America pandering to appeasement like Chamberlain did for Hitler in 1938.
Christopher Jones
Edmonton AB