Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Useful Software - TerraCopy

It is rare that I do this but when warranted I like to hilight useful software.
I needed to backup a couple of disks - and this was the perfect tool - TerraCopy.
It is free, fast and includes a number of useful features that you will appreciate tright away - especially if you have tried to copy files from an old CD or DVD because TerraCopy provides a listing of files "NOT copied"  in error at the end of the procedure.

No veil in Egypt before 1974

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Trailer: Life of Pi

I didn't like the book as it failed to entertain - but the movie is a different issue.

Jim Grant on Lauren Lyster Capital Account

Recent Book Review in WSJ

It is notable that they have announced their traditional Fall Conference for Oct 23, 2012 in New York.

Huge Victory for Ron Paul

WASHINGTON, July 24 – Congressman Ron Paul today applauded the passage by the House of Representatives of H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act.  The bill, which calls for a full audit of the Federal Reserve System-- including its lending facilities and critical monetary policy operations-- passed overwhelmingly by a bipartisan vote of 327-98.

67 Hr Soccer Game

Fox News Ticker
